40 Day Daniel Fast Day 7

Your Outlook Determines Your Outcome

1 Peter 1:13  Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
As we are coming to a close to this first movement on worship, I hope you have experienced some renewed strength and devotion towards the Lord. In today's scripture devotion, we see Peter wants us all to understand the privilege we have in salvation and understand the promise God makes to all believers. The hope we have in Him isn't just an idle promise; it's an actional promise. Part of the promise requires us to know that our bodies are to be used for His pleasure, and our only focus is on pleasing Him. So in that same thought, prepare your minds for action. Understand that this hope we have in Christ, that He is coming back to get us, shouldn't just be something we say with no activity.

You see, God didn't intend for us to sit around here and wait for Him to come back to get us like a father picking up his child from school. While we wait, while we are here on earth, we should be found working, and while we are working, we should be displaying holy living; Godly character.  You see, Peter is encouraging us before our bodies move; we have to make a decision in our minds. That decision in our mind should motivate us to holy living; Peter tells us we need to be prepping our minds; which is to be ready. Peter said we are to prepare our minds for action. For believers to lead a godly life in a carnal world, we need a new mind and a new way to think; Paul tells us we have to renew our minds. This means we must be mentally alert, morally disciplined, and spiritually focused. If we understand that our focus isn't just sitting and waiting, we will move and live accordingly.

My concern is that some of us don't fully understand what this great hope should motivate us to be and do! Our hope should encourage us to be more obedient presently. You see, salvation was never designed to be a causal relationship with you and God. He desires for us to be holy as He is holy. As you strive for godly living, understand we have the ability to do so; as believers, we can reflect God's character and priorities and follow God's commands.
As we await Christ’s return, what should we be found doing?
What areas are we lacking self-control?
Have you found yourself waiting around for Jesus to return, without reflecting God’s character and priorities?
1 Peter 3:15
1 John 3:3
1 Thessalonians 5:6-8
1 Corinthians 1:7
Lord, help me see that salvation is more than just a waiting period until You come again. Thank You for the ability You have given me to live a holy life. You have called me out not just as Your son or daughter, but as someone obedient to Your will. Help me discipline my life in a way that is pleasing to You. Help me live a surrendered life for Your glory.

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