40 Day Daniel Fast Day 6

As much as you can, is as much as you should!

Ephesians 6:18  ...praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,
What does it mean to live in a God-consciousness? When we see the writer encouraging us to pray at all times, Paul is essentially saying that everything we see around us becomes a part of our prayer experiences. You may say, how is that possible? Well, when you are tempted, what do you think you should do? Pray. We should pray when we see someone who’s up to no good. When we experience favor on our job, what should we do? Pray. What happens when we encounter someone who doesn’t know the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord? What should we do? Of course, you find a way to share the gospel, but you pray that someone comes along and continues to labor with that person to preach Christ.

Notice that Paul wants us all to know and believe, every time, is the right time to pray. No matter what’s happening or where you are, whether you are in church, home, car, office, wherever. Paul is saying to us to pray at all times. But he doesn’t just leave us to pray unaccompanied; he says to pray at all times, but do it in the Spirit. You see, this is where the power of prayer comes from; we aren’t praying loud; we are praying in His nature, in His will, with His words. Suppose you are struggling with the idea, "what if the prayers I am praying aren’t correct"? In that case, Paul tells us in Romans that the same Spirit helps us in our weakness; He intercedes with our groanings (hey, this is not speaking in tongues, let’s not go that far). The Holy Spirit continually prays for us and with us. And for us to pray right, we have to pray as He prays, say what He says about your issues, say what He says about your problems, say what he says about the sinner, say what He says about fear and anxiety.

Can I let you know our purpose? We pray not to tell Him what to do but to line up our mind and desire with His mind and desire.

Challenge/Scriptural focus
Praying in the Spirit means
The Spirit helps us when we pray Romans 8:26
The Spirit prays on our behalf Romans 8:27
The Spirit makes God accessible Ephesians 2:18
The Spirit gives us confidence when we pray Romans 8:15-16|Galatians 4:6


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