40 Day Daniel Fast Day 14

Use what you Have!

2 Timothy 1:6  For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands
I remember going camping a few years back; ok, let me be honest, I went glamping. Glamping is a godsend for camping! You can enjoy the outdoors while taking care of the luxury of living life. This is not the time to judge me; stay focused; we are on a fast; we need to be loving and caring! Anyway, I was out enjoying the outdoors, and our fire looked like it was out. We had a few ambers in the fire, now me without knowing, thought we should go and get some fire fluid and maybe some matches, but to my surprise, we didn't need it. One experienced brother was able to fan the amber lightly and after some time  working it out and moving logs, we had our fire back up and going. And we were all warm and ready to talk again. Can you visualize this? This one guy's knowledge was able to help the group; his one ability was able to stop us from going to get other things to restart something that once was going. Saints, our brother Paul is saying this to Timothy, and I am saying it to you.

I want to remind you to fan the gift that God has given you. What was Paul trying to remind Timothy of? Paul was telling Tim, you don't need a new gift, you don't need us to find you a new spot, all you need to do is restart that flame. If your service for the Lord grew dim, if your attitude grew weary, get back to the fire and allow that fan to restart your flame. You see, too often we want new revelations, new words of affirmations, new titles, we want new new new new new…and God is reminding us, hey, I gifted you. We need you to have discipline and courage. As we have read this week, when you are using your gift, the Holy Spirit empowers you; it gives you the strength. So you don't need a new gift, you don't need to ask for a new flame; use what you have! Fan the gift you have already and use it for the Glory of God!
What gifts have you allowed to be dormant?
What made you stop using your gifts?
Are you ready to recommit to using them?
1 Timothy 4:14
1 Peter 4:10
Matthew 25:15-30
Father, thank you for the gift you have given me, a gift not for my pleasure, but for you, to please you, to glorify you. God, as I follow your leading and your desire for my life, help me increase my courage to stand and use my gift and help me hold to your promise and truth. I surround all distractions that block the way from me using my gift for you in your church. I pray that if I am not using my gift, I am the answer to 1 of the 50 who will sign up to volunteer in my local church. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness towards me even when I was unfaithful towards you, in Jesus' name amen.

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