40 Day Daniel Fast Day 11

Follow the Leader! 

John 12:26  If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
I remember growing up as a kid playing "follow the leader," and of course, we had to do everything that the leader told us to do. It was different than "Johnny comes across", and "Simon says."  You see, with follow the leader, you had to go where the leader was going; you had to do what the leader was doing! If the leader would bend down, guess what? You were bending down.  Here is what Jesus is saying to us; He is saying if anyone serves Me, He must follow Me! What isn’t that saying? He isn’t saying that following me is to read about me; following me is to talk about me. No, Jesus is saying to follow me is to follow my methods, follow my prescriptions on how I handle issues; do the things I would do!

You see, this is a strong statement. Jesus isn’t looking for studiers of Him, He is looking for followers. He wants us to follow His conduct in life; He wants us to follow His obedience; He wants us to follow Him in His obedience. But not only are we following Him in His behaviors and His actions but notice Jesus says, “where I am, there will my servant be also” notice He is now saying proximity and location. What does that mean? You are always where Jesus is, which means you can be on call for Jesus; if Jesus is in the hospital with His sick servant, guess where you are? If Jesus is with his grieving servant, guess where you are? If Jesus is with his broken hearted servant, guess where you are? If Jesus is serving the people, guess who is serving the people? You see, Jesus says if you are going to follow me, you have to move physically, you have to respond relationally, you have to react to His lead obediently. But take the last part of this verse as icing on the cake; if you serve Him, the Father will honor him (you). Saints, isn’t that what we all want?
Hey, where do you think Jesus is? Are you where He is?
Are you serving in the church?
Where is Jesus needing you in your local church?
Colossians 3:24
John 10:27
1 John 5:3
2 Corinthians 4:5
Father, I desire to please you in everything I do; forgive me of the times when I knew I wasn't following You and where You were. Open my eyes to see where You will have me to serve in my local church. Help me know I am more like You when I serve my brothers and sisters. Please help me see the talents You gave me as a piece of my church's plan and vision. I pray that I remain focused on You during the rest of this fast and follow You the rest of this fast.

1 Comment

Andrea Nevels - March 16th, 2022 at 2:05pm

Thank you and Amen! Today's devotional truly spoke to my heart. As I journey to become more and more Christ-like in my actions, I must remember to follow His lead in all my ways. Thank you for this blessed reminder! Peace and Joy



