40 Day Daniel Fast Day 25
You’re not ashamed are you?

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Today, we live in a world where we are told to be free about everything except for the very thing that offends people, which could be everything or anything. Most Americans are afraid to speak what's on their minds and think about our current political climate; studies have shown that 2/3 of Americans are afraid to express an unpopular opinion or say things they believe. Here is the thing, we are not really afraid of freedom of speech or afraid that we will be locked up for our beliefs. No, it's something else; it's the fear of isolation, the fear of making others uncomfortable, and the fear of being offensive. Here is a question, are you not sharing your faith because of some of the same reasons? Are you afraid of making others uncomfortable? Fear of offending someone? Is the concern that you may find yourself isolated at lunch? Can I encourage you with a statement? Paul said, and maybe you should say it yourself, "I am not ashamed!"
Only if you believe the Gospel, but we can't allow the world or anything to make us ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Notice the force and zeal Paul has; he tells us all, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel" because it is God's power for salvation. That same salvation we all have experienced and the reason for us following Christ, but get this, it is for everyone who believes. Now, before you say Paul was in a different time frame, I will say yes, yes, he was. Now consider his timeframe; when was the last time you were threatened to be killed for preaching the Gospel? When was the last time you were told if you spoke again about Christ, you would be thrown into jail? How about being threatened to be disowned? Now, some may have experienced this (God bless you all). But what is Paul saying here? We shouldn't be ashamed to proclaim the Gospel; there is so much power in it. Notice it's not in how well we speak or notice he didn't say the power lies in how much we know (because salvation has nothing to do with that) but, because of the power of God. Paul knew from experience what that power has done to and through him and what it could do for others. Here is a question, do you know about that power? Did it change you? Did it save you? See, if the power of God could change someone like you, why would you be ashamed to share it with anyone you come in contact with?
Only if you believe the Gospel, but we can't allow the world or anything to make us ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Notice the force and zeal Paul has; he tells us all, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel" because it is God's power for salvation. That same salvation we all have experienced and the reason for us following Christ, but get this, it is for everyone who believes. Now, before you say Paul was in a different time frame, I will say yes, yes, he was. Now consider his timeframe; when was the last time you were threatened to be killed for preaching the Gospel? When was the last time you were told if you spoke again about Christ, you would be thrown into jail? How about being threatened to be disowned? Now, some may have experienced this (God bless you all). But what is Paul saying here? We shouldn't be ashamed to proclaim the Gospel; there is so much power in it. Notice it's not in how well we speak or notice he didn't say the power lies in how much we know (because salvation has nothing to do with that) but, because of the power of God. Paul knew from experience what that power has done to and through him and what it could do for others. Here is a question, do you know about that power? Did it change you? Did it save you? See, if the power of God could change someone like you, why would you be ashamed to share it with anyone you come in contact with?
As you have been praying for loved ones, co-workers, and friends, I want you to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them boldly. Don't focus on how smart you are, how many scriptures you know, how much theology you know, what did Jesus do for you? Did He die for you and your sins? Did He give you a new life in Him? Did He ask you to believe in Him as Lord? Did you confess Him as Lord? Just let them know Romans 10:9
As you have been praying for loved ones, co-workers, and friends, I want you to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them boldly. Don't focus on how smart you are, how many scriptures you know, how much theology you know, what did Jesus do for you? Did He die for you and your sins? Did He give you a new life in Him? Did He ask you to believe in Him as Lord? Did you confess Him as Lord? Just let them know Romans 10:9
1 Peter 4:16
Hebrews 4:12
1 Corinthians 2:2
1 Peter 4:16
Hebrews 4:12
1 Corinthians 2:2
Father, I pray that You will give me the courage I need to present Your Gospel. Please help me see that it's not my words that save anyone but Your power; You are the one that draws, and all You want me to do is lift You up with the way I speak, the way I live, and the way I work! Lord, I pray for boldness today to be used by You in sharing my faith.
In Jesus' name, amen!
Father, I pray that You will give me the courage I need to present Your Gospel. Please help me see that it's not my words that save anyone but Your power; You are the one that draws, and all You want me to do is lift You up with the way I speak, the way I live, and the way I work! Lord, I pray for boldness today to be used by You in sharing my faith.
In Jesus' name, amen!
Posted in 40 Day Daniel Fast
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